Do This Before Marketing Your Business, It Can Save And Earn you Thousands Of Dollars!

Before you start marketing and before you spend your hard earned dollars on advertisement what you need to do first is create your customer persona.
Why is that?
Because marketing channels change all the time. However, what is always eternal is your customer persona.
A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal client or target audience. With a clear picture of who you’re marketing to, it’s much easier to develop effective, targeted content that speaks to your ideal buyer’s goals and challenges. Think of your buyer personas as a personal narrative. — Google
To begin a marketing campaign without a buyer persona should be a crime.
You need to brainstorm your avatar first because when you do that all the reasons for that person to be your customer will appear.
When you are brainstorming your avatar, ask yourself what does my ideal customer do all day? How much is there income? What part of the country are they from? How old are they? What problem do they want to solve? What goal can I help them achieve? Are they single or married men? Do they have any dependents?
These and many more you would want to ask yourself.
My point is this.
Don’t spend so much time on what marketing channel is the best, heck to save you time and money ask me and if i know i will gladly tell you.
What I can’t tell you is who your customer avatar is.
Of course unless you pay me to do the research then you can save yourself the trouble but anyways…..
If you want to save a boatload of cash in the short and the long run, research your ideal customer.
The reason why this is so important is because this is the individual that your business depends on, if this person doest like your service/product then x will take his money elsewhere in fact he will take it to your competitor.
If x never sees the value, it means that the product is not serving a need, a problem or helping x with a goal.
And I do want to state that on many occasions your customer turns out to be somebody totally different.
What would be the point then, right?
It would be to make an educated guess. For example, let’s say that I am writing about men’s health, and men’s health only. Also all my products/services are for men.
I for certain know that no ladies would buy my product unless it would be to give it to a loved one. So I direct my main focus on men.
If men like the product they will tell their wives and then their wives will buy product x or service x.
Then I niche down even more to men who like golf. This is the perfect time to add that…

……..many individuals cast their net too wide. You cannot please everyone. When you try to market to everyone you market to none, you miss your shot.
Like I was saying.
After I narrow my avatar to men who like golf, I research who are the top golfers? What are the top golf brands? Which ones does he like?
This way I know how to carve my message for him in the copywriting which includes the headline which is what is going to catch his attention.
The great Robert Collier says it best, “it’s a matter of bait…”.
In his book The Letter Book.
He says why some fisherman catch all the fish, “despite having the crudest of lines, while the “sportsman” near by, though armed with all the piscatorial lure known to man, could not raise even a bite!”.
He continues, “….that’s all. The youngster knew what fish would bite on and he gave it to them. Result? A mess of fine fish for dinner….”
Attention is the holy grail of marketing
We want attention. People when they go outside are hit with billboards on the trains and buses, on social media. These ads are placed here because people are here. Those big companies like Colgate and Gillet advertise during the super bowl and other smaller events because a large concentration of people are there.
And the ads are there to remind them why they should buy their brands.

Also a few words on copywriting.
copywriting Is the art of persuasion by way of a pen.
You have to convey your message as clearly as possible. You want to explain your features and benefits as simply as possible.
Top level copywriters get paid millions.
Those gossip magazines that’s right next to the cash register sell like crazy and it’s thanks to copywriters.
Nowadays copywriters only write print but back in the day copywriters did more than that they told you that newspapers sold more on rainy days they picked the cover or photograph that best resonated with the copy. They were both advertisers and copywriters.
You still get to see these types of copywriters but just not as before.
I shared two tips with you that could save you and at the same time earn you a few thousand dollars.
I hope you can implement them and I can guarantee you results if it’s done well.